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Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Hukum Tentang Perhiasan Wanita

Hai Sobat Ebook ini tentang hkum-hukum Perhiasan Wanita yang kita kasikan pada istri-istri kita..


Rayuan Setan Dalam Pacaran

Sobat sedikit nih buat semua yang ingin tau tentang Ebook Rayuan Setan Dalam Pacaran...sobat bisa download di bawah Eaaa.....
Wew aja kagak tau pacaran....hahahaha....


internet usage of public places

by : http://id.wikipedia.org
is also increasingly being used in public places.

Some public places that provide internet service

including libraries, and internet cafe / cafe (also

called the Cyber ​​Cafe). There is also a place to lay the

providing Internet access centers, such as Internet Kiosk,

Public access terminals, and Phone web.

There are also stores that provide wi-fi access,

such as Wifi-cafe. Users only need to bring a laptop

(notebook), or PDA, which has a wifi capability to

get internet access.

Internet figures

     Timothy Lee Barners creator of the WWW (World Wide Web)
     Roy Tomlinson creator @ (at) the e-mail address

see also

     virtual community
     Internet trolls
     The term Internet Indonesia
     Instant messenger
     web portal

external links
     Internet History of the Internet Society
     Association of Indonesian Internet Service Providers
     Indonesian Internet Exchange

Interesting Links

Internet History of Indonesia

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