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Thursday, 8 December 2011

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How You Can Profit from Credit Cards: Using Credit to Improve Your Financial Life and Bottom LineCarding is an activity to obtain credit card numbers (credit card) another person who used to shop on the internet for unlawful or illegal.
This Ebook Contains Tips and Tricks are for colleagues - colleagues who want to know the usual activities carried out by the carder.
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How to Make Fast Food Healthy Nutritious

kesehatan of Fast food eating has become a fashion through the commercials and malls
by: Bestari Kumala Dewi
Who does not know Fast Food. Food "Fast Food" is already familiar in our ears and tongue. Especially for those who are super busy, food is the one who accompanies the sidelines of the job activity. But behind the delicious, fast food store a myriad of negative effects for health. But you do not need to worry, there are a few tips for fast food that we eat healthy nutritious food. Want to know?
Although fast food tantalizing and seductive, fast food is often made the body so stretchy. Weight loss so fat and disease came. Here are tips to get around fast food that is safe and healthy:
Eliminate ◘ The salt.When ordered, ask to reduce the salt to be sprinkled on the fast food on the waitress, and sprinkled with salt is not better at all. Special to the sandwich, although not fried, the meat content contained in it has a fairly high salt content which would be harmful to heart health. Also on the french fries that contain salt and the oil is fairly high so that it can disrupt the heart's performance.
◘ Choose Red RiceHowever brown rice made from brown rice rely more healthful than common white rice we consume far. And fast food restaurants are now many who provide it. Well, if any, should choose brown rice instead of white rice. However brown rice has a fiber content is much higher. Not just filling, brown rice can also lower cholesterol in the blood. Fat contained in brown rice is an essential fatty excellent for brain development. Even the content of iron, vitamins, and minerals are superior to white rice and contain tiamini which serves to maintain the body's metabolism.
◘ Expand Vegetables Serves.Burgers and sandwiches are the choice of fast food is the favorite. To be more healthy, ask for no cheese, salad dressings, or mayonnaise. When there, ask for fish and chicken burgers because it has a lower calorie content than meat. Ask add the chopped lettuce, cucumber, and tomato in the burger or sandwich layers. And as a complement to the sauce, mustard and olive oil is perfect as a healthy choice.
◘ Drinks HealthyA professor of nutrition at the University of California, namely Judith Stern, ScD, RD, concluded that in each drink consumed, on average contain sugar levels, both on soda, capuccinno, or fruit juice. And we know that sugar can increase the calories in the body and suppress the absorption of nutrients from food. In-sized soda bottle is able to contain 425 calories. For that, choose pure fruit juice without sugar, or mineral water. Or sometimes you can order a cup of tea without sugar is pretty good for the heart, can fight cancer and strengthen bones.

Let ◘ ShareTo minimize the entry of substances that are not healthy at fast food, you should order smaller portions or portions of children. Or you can also share your own by not eating it. You can invite friends or friends of your friends work together to eat together. So, when the normal rate of 7-ounce cheeseburger contains 606 calories and 29 grams of fat, if you eat three of them, would you eat smaller portions. Indeed, sharing is healthy. And in closing, to replace the chocolate pudding and ice cream, you can choose more healthful yogurt that course.

Why Healthy Eating Seafood That ...!

easy recipes for Marine Protected Areas where commercial fishing
by: Allie Moxley

In Indonesia, the current doctrine is arguably might not exist and gratefully thank God did not have time to grow and develop. Atheism is a doctrine that does not believe in God. And about this atheist, there is a body of research is very surprising conclusion. One of the world famous University Penn State University in Pennsylvania, the United States has recently been examined against 423 cases relating to understand atheists from 1972 to 2006.The results of this study have been published in which people who do not believe in God, aka Saxon atheists tend to have low levels of health, have an unhealthy lifestyle, smokers, drunks and more frequently experience stress.Christopher Scheitle, one of the researchers from the University said that the loss of one's belief in God make the level of health deteriorated and make daily life rhythm is irregular. According to the study also, the belief in God has an important role in controlling one's emotions and inner needs. When trust is lost it will simultaneously control also lost his spiritual emotions that effect on a person's physical condition and health of those anyway.Not only bad for your physical health, distrust in God also brings harm to a person's social life in the community. Once the research is concluded.

Do not store this fruit in the refrigerator

Fresh fruit is most delicious when eaten hot weather. But should you choose the type of fruit that will be incorporated into the refrigerator because there are some pieces are even more delicious and nutritious if left at room temperature. What are the fruit of it?


Fruits are rich in this water contains anti-cancer called lycopene. Interestingly, levels of lycopene in watermelon will rise to 40 percent if left at room temperature. According to a study published in the Journal of Nutrition, arginine amino acid content, which can help you lose weight, the fruit will also increase a lot if not stored in the refrigerator. In addition, another advantage of this fruit is that it can serve as "natural Viagra" because it contains citrulline.


The fruit can be consumed in fresh condition, a mixture of spices or mixed salad, and juice is rich in antioxidants lycopene and vitamins A, C, and K. The more red fruit, the higher the content of likopennya. Therefore, it is recommended fruit stored at room temperature and eaten when the fruit matures.


Store peaches at room temperature without removing the stem to prevent rotting. Peaches or peach has high fiber content, vitamin A and C, niacin and potassium as well as minerals that can increase good cholesterol. Once the fruit is ripe, immediately consume or store in refrigerator. Enjoy a peach with the skin to get more vitamins, fitokemikal, and fiber.


Fruits are rich in vitamin C should be stored in a basket of fruit, not in the refrigerator, so that mature quickly. Mango fruit also contains natural intestinal enzymes that can help overcome indigestion.

Drink 8 glasses a day recommendation Misleading?

Drink at least eight glasses of water a day is the advice that has long-gaungkan digaung. This custom is believed to help prevent kidney damage, weight loss and improve concentration.
◘ But some health experts in Britain recently warned that drinking eight glasses of water a day is the proverbial wrong and may even be harmful. They even dare to claim, a claim the science behind these recommendations is just "nonsense".
◘ In the UK, the National Health Service (NHS) along with leading doctors and nutritionists have long advised people to drink about 1.2 liters of water per day to maintain health.
◘ However, a recent report written in the British Medical Journal explains that the threat of dehydration is a 'myth' and said that so far there is no evidence behind the claim that drinking lots of water can prevent some health problems.
◘ A doctor in Glasgow, Margaret McCartney, the journal said that the suggestion in the NHS website in order to drink six to eight glasses a day is not just a nonsense, but also embarrassing.
◘ He added that the benefits of drinking lots of water is often exaggerated and carrying interest, for example, from bottled water companies.
◘ In the BMJ, Dr. McCartney also stressed that the research shows that drinking water does not feel thirsty when it can be annoying and instead of increasing concentration. Other evidence also suggests that the germ-killing chemicals found in bottled water can be bad for health.
◘ Drinking excessive amounts can also cause lack of sleep because someone had to get up at night to go to the toilet. Other studies suggest, may even cause kidney damage, not prevent it.
◘ Dr. McCartney also warned that drinking too much water can cause a rare but potentially fatal, called hyponatremia. This condition makes the salt levels in the body decreases and can cause brain swelling.
◘ In 2003, actor Anthony Andrews fell ill from drinking too much water during practice roles.
◘ Other doctors quoted in the article adds, there is no sufficient basis to claim that the water can help you lose weight by suppressing appetite.
◘ Professor Stanley Goldfarb, a metabolism expert from the University of Pennsylvania in the U.S., said: ◘ "The current evidence suggests that there is no evidence. If children drink more water than getting the extra calories from soda, that's good. But there is no evidence that drinking water before meals to reduce appetite at meals. "
Around 2:06 ◘ billion liters of bottled water sold in the UK last year. This figure is an increase over the year 2000 which was only 1:42 billion liters.

Should Kids Fat Diet?

Child overweight and plump does look adorable. But from the medical side of children with overweight, let alone to obesity should be wary of. Overweight in children in the long term can lead to diseases such as elevated cholesterol, diabetes, to heart disease.

Excess weight gain that occurs in childhood, if not controlled can also be carried on until the child is aged adults. However, obese children are advised not to go on a diet.

"Children are still in the developmental phase. Therefore the child does not need to diet but accustomed to having a healthy diet with increased physical activity," said dr.Fiastuti Witjaksono, Sp.GK, a nutritionist from the Faculty of medicine / RSCM on the sidelines of the discussion on nutrients that are held by Mead Johnson in Jakarta last week.

Foods that contain high sugar and fried foods are foods that should be limited. "Eating mainly remains but a sweet and fried foods-fried is limited," he said.

By setting the diet, the child's weight will not be reduced but the proportion of the child's body can be balanced because of his height is still increasing. "Because they are still growing in height, his body is more balanced with the same amount of weight.

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