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Thursday, 8 December 2011

Why Healthy Eating Seafood That ...!

easy recipes for Marine Protected Areas where commercial fishing
by: Allie Moxley

In Indonesia, the current doctrine is arguably might not exist and gratefully thank God did not have time to grow and develop. Atheism is a doctrine that does not believe in God. And about this atheist, there is a body of research is very surprising conclusion. One of the world famous University Penn State University in Pennsylvania, the United States has recently been examined against 423 cases relating to understand atheists from 1972 to 2006.The results of this study have been published in which people who do not believe in God, aka Saxon atheists tend to have low levels of health, have an unhealthy lifestyle, smokers, drunks and more frequently experience stress.Christopher Scheitle, one of the researchers from the University said that the loss of one's belief in God make the level of health deteriorated and make daily life rhythm is irregular. According to the study also, the belief in God has an important role in controlling one's emotions and inner needs. When trust is lost it will simultaneously control also lost his spiritual emotions that effect on a person's physical condition and health of those anyway.Not only bad for your physical health, distrust in God also brings harm to a person's social life in the community. Once the research is concluded.

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