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Thursday, 8 December 2011

How to Make Fast Food Healthy Nutritious

kesehatan of Fast food eating has become a fashion through the commercials and malls
by: Bestari Kumala Dewi
Who does not know Fast Food. Food "Fast Food" is already familiar in our ears and tongue. Especially for those who are super busy, food is the one who accompanies the sidelines of the job activity. But behind the delicious, fast food store a myriad of negative effects for health. But you do not need to worry, there are a few tips for fast food that we eat healthy nutritious food. Want to know?
Although fast food tantalizing and seductive, fast food is often made the body so stretchy. Weight loss so fat and disease came. Here are tips to get around fast food that is safe and healthy:
Eliminate ◘ The salt.When ordered, ask to reduce the salt to be sprinkled on the fast food on the waitress, and sprinkled with salt is not better at all. Special to the sandwich, although not fried, the meat content contained in it has a fairly high salt content which would be harmful to heart health. Also on the french fries that contain salt and the oil is fairly high so that it can disrupt the heart's performance.
◘ Choose Red RiceHowever brown rice made from brown rice rely more healthful than common white rice we consume far. And fast food restaurants are now many who provide it. Well, if any, should choose brown rice instead of white rice. However brown rice has a fiber content is much higher. Not just filling, brown rice can also lower cholesterol in the blood. Fat contained in brown rice is an essential fatty excellent for brain development. Even the content of iron, vitamins, and minerals are superior to white rice and contain tiamini which serves to maintain the body's metabolism.
◘ Expand Vegetables Serves.Burgers and sandwiches are the choice of fast food is the favorite. To be more healthy, ask for no cheese, salad dressings, or mayonnaise. When there, ask for fish and chicken burgers because it has a lower calorie content than meat. Ask add the chopped lettuce, cucumber, and tomato in the burger or sandwich layers. And as a complement to the sauce, mustard and olive oil is perfect as a healthy choice.
◘ Drinks HealthyA professor of nutrition at the University of California, namely Judith Stern, ScD, RD, concluded that in each drink consumed, on average contain sugar levels, both on soda, capuccinno, or fruit juice. And we know that sugar can increase the calories in the body and suppress the absorption of nutrients from food. In-sized soda bottle is able to contain 425 calories. For that, choose pure fruit juice without sugar, or mineral water. Or sometimes you can order a cup of tea without sugar is pretty good for the heart, can fight cancer and strengthen bones.

Let ◘ ShareTo minimize the entry of substances that are not healthy at fast food, you should order smaller portions or portions of children. Or you can also share your own by not eating it. You can invite friends or friends of your friends work together to eat together. So, when the normal rate of 7-ounce cheeseburger contains 606 calories and 29 grams of fat, if you eat three of them, would you eat smaller portions. Indeed, sharing is healthy. And in closing, to replace the chocolate pudding and ice cream, you can choose more healthful yogurt that course.

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