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Monday, 12 December 2011

Instalasi Emulator Android

2.1.First, extract the zip file once downloaded the Android SDK was in an a folder. After that go to the Android SDK folder (the folder android-sdk-windows).

2.2. Create a new folder inside it and name it temp

2.3. Copy the file downloaded android-2.3_r01-and platform-tools_r01 linux.zip-windows.zip into the temp folder you just created. The files do not diextract, let alone the form of zip files in the temp folder.

2.4. Back to the android folder-for-windows. When all necessary files are installed, please run the SDK Manager.exe file by double-clicking. The first time it is run, it would appear that the options window installation package required. By default, all packages will be installed. But for this emulator, we do not need to install all, just a required course, the Android SDK Platform SDK Tools and the Android 2.3 platform. Uncheck the second addition to the package, by double-clicking any package that is not needed, so it will look like this screenshot:
2.5. When you have finished selecting the installation package, please click on the Install button. Then the process of downloading and installing the package will run. The download process automatically so no, because we have already downloaded and placed in the temp folder earlier. So just stay the installation process.

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