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Thursday, 15 December 2011

Suite of Applications BlackBerry

Collection of cool Blackberry applications and is often used by users of blackberry Indonesia: Opera Mini

Blackberry browser capabilities are very good, especially the bold type and the strom, but for other options including a choice of opera mini must-have. The advantages of mini opera lies in a different color scheme, but it speeds up the page in a browser menampilakan operamini very fast and safety benefits of these applications can be obtained free of charge in http://mini.opera.com
BlackBerry MessengerMobile application is useful to keep in touch with your friends using BlackBerry mobiles. This application uses the BlackBerry OS, AOS PIN to send messages to friends and relatives. You do not even charged by your mobile provider to send text messages.
FacebookFacebook application shows the status updates. Use this application to send a message or leave a comment. Facebook users can get many benefits by this application even by getting away from their PCsTiny TwitterThe application for stay updated tstatus / your tweets on Twitter. Twitter users can stay in touch with their online friends.
BlinkoIn almost all the latest blackberry already dilengkapai with yahoo messenger and facebook applications, but of a friend's apartment also require applications that can be used for GoogleTalk, msn, icq, yahoo and aim. To download the software silahakn http://www.getjar.com/product/10519/bing
Google's mobileThis search engine is really working for us in menmbatu will find the information that we know as the pc just simply entering a specific keyword we will get results from the world's most popular search engine, other than the search engine Google also provides other facilities such as google talk to chat, google sync to synchronize calendar and map google map, for users balackberry all applications is provided free of charge, to get the application please visit http://www.google.com/apps/intl/en/business/mobile.html
BBNotepadThis application acts as a text editor. You can write applications for full-length documents or code.
BBMetaBlogLike the WordPress blogging using Blogger for BlackBerry? But if you use a blog-based XML-RPC, try BBMetaBlog. Blacberry application is actually designed for a custom blog-engine for Lotus Domino, not for WordPress or other systems that use the MetaWeblog API implementation of XML-RPC, but can be used. Set only access to your XMLRPC URI URL! Tagging can not be here, but this is faster than the post with Opera Mini.
Tiny Twitter
Applications for permanent status updates / tweets on Twitter. Twitter users can stay in touch with their online friends.

Capture It
Applications take photos of the BlackBerry, AOS screen and then save it with a JPG file format.
Dexrex SMS backupEver accidentally delete a text message that is so important? Do not worry, Dexrex can help you get it back. This application store and archive all incoming text messages and out through your BlackBerry and lets you access them simply by logging into the account protected by a password on their website.
Google SuiteMobile application for BlackBerry is really tasty. Gmail is fast, Google Nees page easy to navigate and its mobile mapping tool is good. Google Sync for BlackBerry to keep your BlackBerry calendar sync with Google Calendar in two directions.
Google MapsUsing this application to know the right direction, seeing the location and watch the traffic. You can also use this application to get the map in satellite view.
My locationGPS feature on the Blackberry Bold and strom equipped with a digital map and google map, despite being cool does not hurt if fitted, and my GPS location applications that can support melaporlkan regular webserver location to each owner.
Qik MobileYou can use the application to stream online video from your BlackBerry device.
Stock ViewerBlackBerry app tells you about the stock. If you run the stock market then you can easily get an update on the list of stocks sit anywhere. Monday to Friday, you can easily get the look of the stock list.
Salesforce MobileBlackberry Applications from salesforce.com is very suitable for salesmen who want to manage your contacts list. If you are a printer vendor for example, you can sort all your sales contacts as accounts, opportunities, and the need to follow-up. This application also helps users keep track of sales and account logs on to a database. This application is downloadable for free, but to be able to use it you must subscribe to Salesforce.com.
Motoscope Video for WebcamsThese applications let users get live streaming video from any IP-based Web camera to his BlackBerry. SHAPE Services GmbH, manufacturer, interest costs U.S. $ 19.99.

From the Flickr application, you can go directly to the camera or choose a photo from your media card or one of your media directory.
NewsGator Go!Sign up for a free account NewsGatorOnline or link to your existing accounts. Web reader is free and members can synchronize NewsGator Online that you wear. So if you're using FeedDemon on a PC or NetNewsWire on the Mac, all the feeds that can be accessed on another computer or on your BlackBerry using the web reader NewsGator.
Age of Empires IIIThis classic PC game lets BlackBerry users create their own culture and his army to conquer the world. Graphics are not as good as on PC, but attractive enough for a mobile game that was U.S. $ 9.99.

This game has already made a lot of people addicted. Its unregistered version does not allow you to download new puzzles every day, but there are many games with three difficulty levels. Suitable for killing time.
StormLockBlackBerry Storm can do many things, but in this device you can accidentally eliminate all incoming calls because your face is too close to the field of touch screen clicks. Overcome this shortcoming by StormLock. Applications made Steelthorn Software for U.S. $ 2.99 This temporary lock screen your calls when you are calling. StormLock automatically die when all the calls you have finished already.
WorldMate LiveThis free application will appeal to those who travel frequently. WorldMate helps make hotel reservations, flight schedule to receive updates and view maps that guide you directly to your hotel, the location of the meeting or the airport. Updata also provides weather and information exchange.

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